The use of chatbot technology is very beneficial for businesses. Chatbots can be used to help customer service in carrying out their activities. Here are 5 important things to consider before creating a chatbot for your business.
1. Understand the Focus of the Function
A chatbot usually has two main functions for businesses. The first is an automated conversational service for functional needs. The automated conversation function is used by most businesses.
As for functionality, it requires more complex and specific chatbot development so that it requires a more complicated infrastructure as well. Match it with your business and adjust to what functions you want to get.
2. Determine the Platform Used
Different platforms require different ways of creating chatbots. The way messages are delivered should also be tailored based on general user behavior and your target audience.
Whether you will use WhatsApp Business, Facebook, or a chat service from your website. Each platform has different user characteristics.
3. Determine the Information to be Presented
Don’t forget to define the information and functions that you will present in your business chatbot. If you choose to use a business chatbot as customer service, you can form a list of FAQs or other information that can help consumers.
You also need to strategize the content within the chatbot. Make it relevant to the needs of consumers so that the information provided is right on target.
4. Design the Conversation Flow
The most important thing in loading a chatbot is a clear conversation flow. When designing the conversation flow, it’s best to use a colloquial language style.
This will make the impression of being closer to the customer because they don’t feel like they are talking to a robot. To make it more casual you can add greetings such as Hello, Thank you, How can I help you, and so on.
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5. Use Easy UI
User interface (UI) design is an important part of the design of your website or business application. UI deals with how users interact with the website or app.
Usually, users like web designs that are attractive and easy to use. Now by building your chatbot on the platform of your choice, you can add certain buttons to make your website navigation easier.
You need to prepare the above 5 things when loading a chatbot. After going through these steps, it is important to develop it in the future for better service.