5 Tips for Building an Effective ERP Implementation Team

ERP system adaptation provides a set of business process tools in one database for everyone across your organization. As well as eliminating many paper-based processes. ERP systems affect so many aspects of the business that their implementation can be a large and time-consuming project. Because it requires careful preparation, the ERP implementation team is also the key to success.

What is the Function of the Implementation Team

The ERP implementation team is responsible for carrying out the best implementation and ensuring that the project is successful and successful so that the new ERP system functions as expected. Right from the start, this team is involved in scoping the project, helping them choose a solution that fits their business goals and provides ease-of-use functionality.

The implementation team will outline the requirements of the ERP system, establish important objectives, decide how to support specific business processes, and help test the new software before release. Forming a complete team at the beginning of the project is critical. The formation of the team allows all stakeholders to participate and take responsibility for the success of the implementation in all phases.

ERP Implementation Team Building Tips

Some tips for forming the best ERP implementation team are:

Defining the Project Manager

All ERP implementations require personnel to keep the project within the planned range on time. This role is held by the project manager. The project manager will be responsible for keeping the project running smoothly and for communicating with key sponsors to team members about progress or ongoing challenges.

Project managers usually have several tasks. They are the ones who determine the ERP vendor selection, schedule team demos, and organise final testing. The manager also coordinates all implementation steps, such as mapping and testing the system to business processes.

Determining the Executive Sponsor

Since ERP implementation can affect almost every aspect of the organisation, every project requires an executive sponsor, which is someone at the top or close to the organisation who supports and promotes the implementation strategy. The executive sponsor assists in risk assessment and action planning.

They often act as the corporate advocate and internal face of the project. During implementation, the executive sponsor will receive updates from the project manager or in some cases from core team members. The executive sponsor usually makes final project decisions based on some feedback from the implementation team.

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Establish a Cross-Functional Core Team

The team needs people who have expertise in different areas of the business, such as manufacturing (if relevant), IT experts, and finance. These team members are responsible for driving the design and configuration of software that supports business processes and identifying opportunities to improve processes with new systems.

You will usually need to learn some of the technical aspects of ERP software to better understand how to meet different business needs and assist users with technical issues. If using a service team from an ERP vendor, you will usually get an IT or maintenance team from the vendor.

End User

The end users of the ERP implementation team serve in conveying their thoughts on the system configuration. It also usually encourages the department and answers non-technical questions from other users regarding the use of the system once it is deployed.

End users must have appropriate leadership skills and technical skills to be successful in the project at hand. You also need good communication skills so that negotiating issues with other departments in meetings goes smoothly and all important points are conveyed.

Read also: 5 Tips for Implementing ERP in Service Companies

Report Maker

An important part of ERP implementation assessment comes from reports that analyze every aspect of the business. ERP implementation teams usually include a report creator who presents the report to fulfill specific business needs.

The person responsible should have detailed knowledge of the ERP system’s reporting tools and the data stored in the system. The report generator’s responsibilities include analyzing the organisation’s existing reporting processes and developing ways to improve them with the new solution.

Choosing the right vendor will create an ERP implementation team that is equally good for your company. Besides getting team members with knowledge and experience, you can consult any team needs with your vendor.

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